North America Meeting

What: Annual Meeting of NA 6 Meter Association
When: 18th Feb 2017 at 1700 hours (5PM)
Where:  Leigh Metteer’s Studio
20432 Noll Rd NE
Poulsbo, Wa 98370


Dinner at 1930 hours (7:30) for attendees


  1. Introduction/overview of 2016
    1. Treasurer's report
    2. 2017 Dues PSSMA and ISMA
  2. Appointment of Officers for 2017
    1. Fleet Captain - Andy Parker
    2. Treasurer - Peter Hofmann
    3. Sec'y - Matt Cockburn
  3. Regatta Schedule
      1. Pacific NW
      2. East Coast
      3. San Francisco
  4. Lipton Cup Discussion
  5. 6mR Business
      1. Measuring of Boats
      2. Vancouver Worlds Presentation and Schedule
      3. Sail Buttons
  6. ISMA Issues
      1. Revise Voting system?
      2. Appendix A - Deep Flotation Classics
      3. Other ISMA issues