OneWorld Challenge Intra-squad Match Race Series
Wood Lyda Cup Report Aug 2-3, 2001
by Jonathan McKee

20 team members of the Seattle Yacht Club's OneWorld Challenge America's Cup campaign participated in an in-house match racing regatta August 2-3. The 4 teams of 5 had very spirited competition in two beautiful 6 Meter yachts, Sockeye and Haute Flash. Conditions were perfect, 6-12 knots from the south, with the racing just off Shilshole Bay in Seattle. The 18 race round robin was closely contested. Charlie McKee's team nearly knocked Peter Gilmour's team out for the finals, then Kelvin Harrap's and James Spithill's teams battled for the other final spot. In the end it was Gilly vs. Kelvin, with Gilmour taking the final 2-1. Gilmour's team consisted of
Will Baylis, Kazuhiko Sofuku, Jonathan McKee, and Andrew Taylor.

All agreed it was a great event. The boats were perfect for match racing, and were well matched. A most hearty thank you to the owners of the yachts for their tremendous generosity. Hopefully this will contribute to bringing the America's Cup back to the US! Thanks also to Matt Cockburn for arranging for the boats, and to Pat/Nick Taylor for helping out. The Wood Lyda Trophy has been engraved with Peter Gilmour's name, and returned to the trophy case at Seattle YC. Having been awarded for the first time since 1986, hopefully this event will put the Cup back into more regular circulation!

Members of the OneWorld Challenge America's Cup team have now added their names to a long list of America's Cup skippers and crew who have used 6 meters in the past to challenge and sharpen their match racing skills. Here is a short list of AC veterans who have match raced sixes in the past: Briggs Cunningham, Eric Ridder, Tom Blackaller, Pelle Pettersen, Dennis Conner, Ted Turner, Paul Cayard, John Kostecki, and many others.

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